31 Mar Your Body Needs Spring Cleaning, Too!
According to Ayurveda, Spring is a time to cleanse and renew. After the cold wet winter and the season of hibernation, the sun begins to gain in strength, the snows begin to melt and the weather warms. This is the time to shed what has been accumulated in the body – excess fat, congestion, sluggish energy. A spring cleanse for the body can be one that helps to decongest the lungs and the lymph system and to renew your energy. Using herbs and essential oils to decongest, detoxify and purify is the best way to give your body a “reboot.”
In addition to cleaning house, figuratively and literally, another Spring mantra is: Simplify. Cleaning out clutter in your home, your office and your body! Try a 3-day simplify diet in which you let go of caffeine, alcohol, dairy, flour and sugar. Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables and clean sources of protein. You will feel light and energized and clear – a great way to jump into Spring!
Spring cleaning also applies to the mind. Have you checked your thoughts lately? Clear out negative thoughts by invoking positive affirmations and flood your mind with positive intentions. When I drive down the valley on my way to the office I use that time to invoke affirmations and gratitude. Its the way I clear out what has gotten me “stuck” and helps me to realign and renew my energy before entering into my day! Enjoy the new, fresh energy of Spring!
Visit Staying Healthy Through The Seasons for more Spring Renewal Tips!